Turning Interest into Action
Diphrent Inc is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide mentoring services for young people who are at high risk of delinquency, victimization, and or incarceration. To expose youth to opportunities for academic and personal advancements. With an emphasis on core life-skills training and critical thinking, we strategically partner youth with positive and most importantly relatable mentors, which leads to building lasting, trustworthy relationships that may inspire change and a better course of actions for our youth.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all high-risk youth through thought provoking workshops, strategic plans for growth and maturation, and intentional recreational and creative activities to further our program’s goals and initiatives. The information gained from the programs will be implemented in the one-on-one relationship with the mentor. The program was designed to fill the present gaps in learning and exploration of career possibilities for students. They will gain knowledge of the expectations and the requirements of said occupation and will develop effective interpersonal skills.